We have been in Indiana for the month of May. The weather has been quite cool and on again off again rain for most of the month. It is always good to see family especially after several years. We visited Larry's brother in Richmond and saw their new house (they moved back to IN in Dec from living in FL for 25 years) and their son, Troy who is in the Navy stationed in MD. We then spent a couple of days in the Indianapolis area visiting my stepmother, Reba, my sister-in-law Dee and her husband Steve, my niece Emily, her husband, Curt and their 2 year old son, Cole who we had never seen before. We had great visits and enjoyed 'catching up' on family 'doing's'.
We have moved slightly west to near Terre Haute in a lovely campground we have not visited before. Since we are near Parke county I'm hoping to see some covered bridges before we leave in June.