We left Merrill on Oct 20 after a wonderful weekend for the 71st Annual Potato Festival. We had great traveling weather and are currently in Pahrump, NV. We re-connected with three different folks we have met through the years in our travels. It is always good to see old friends again. We spent a day with one couple and went to Death Valley National Park. We have been there before but saw parts we didn't see in 2004 because the roads were closed then due to FLOODING of all things! Our friends drove and we traveled 30 miles on a one way 4-wheel drive gravel (more like ROCKY) road to see Titus Canyon and pass a ghost town. We arrived too late for the last tour of Scotty's Castle so we will have to make a return trip sometime as it looks very interesting.
We are enjoying the great NV weather and really like the 2-4-1 Buffets at the local casinos. I'm afraid we will have to go on a diet when we leave here since we have gone out to eat so much!