Paulina Creek Falls located just outside Newberry National Volcanic Monument

Larry at Foster Lake near Sweet Home for our pre-rally with Oregon Coaches for Christ

Dining Hall at the Northwest FMCA rally where our group did the decorations. Had great meals here throughout the rally

Getting ready for the "West is Best" parade. We collected canned goods and paper items for the local food bank in the truck.

Our club banner for the parade and some of our group

Jack and Bev on a modern day 'horse', ready for 'camping', one of the entries for the 'West is Best' parade

Lowell covered bridge outside of Eugene on Hwy 58, taken as we were going down the road.
Scenic overlook on the Paulina Highway. Note the snow on Mt. Bachelor!
Paulina Lake near the lodge. They get around 12 feet of snow here in the winter!
Us surrounded by the Big Obsidian Flow overlooking Paulina Lake. The Big Obsidian (black glass) Flow is located in Newberry National Volcanic Monument and is the youngest lave flow in OR (1300 yrs). A nice hiker stopped and took our picture.
We started out the month of June going to Foster Lake RV near Sweet Home for our Coaches for Christ pre-rally. There were 20 rigs present and we had a good time preparing for the NW FMCA rally in Albany. We caravaned to Albany and spent six days in Albany. We had a great time and great food. It rained several days while we were there but we didn't let that dampen our spirits. It was sunny the day of the parade.
We changed our plans slightly and stayed in La Pine before going back to the Eugene area for new tires and shocks for the motorhome. We now have new tires and shocks all the way around and a very flat pocketbook!
While in the La Pine area we visited East Lake, Paulina Lake and Falls and the Big Obsidian Flow.
We came home a different way through Grants Pass where we met with friends and stopped in Medford at Costco to stock up on paper goods for the next year.
Since getting back to Merrill, Larry has been very busy with his new projects.