We left AZ early by one day so we could get well settled at Front Sight Gun Training Facility near Pahrump, NV where Larry took a two day handgun course. While Larry was taking the course, I washed the motorhome as it was really dirty from the rain we encountered on the way there. We both where tired puppies at the end of the second day! We then moved to Preferred RV in Pahrump where we planned on staying four days but on Sunday discovered a leak behind the shower, running down the wall. We had to turn the water off and then dry out the wall and floor before Larry could crawl into the 18" cabinet (after I took all the drawers, shelves and stuff out) so he could fix it. It took three days and three different trips to town to finally get the right parts and get it fixed. He also made sure it wouldn't happen again.
We decided to extend in Pahrump for the weekend and today took a trip to China Date Ranch near Tecopa, CA. We visited there in 2004 but this time we went a different way ( we took the Old Spanish Trail this time). We bought dilled garlic before and bought more only this time it is spiced garlic. We also enjoyed a date shake. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful!!

Beautiful flowering tree at Verde Valley TTN in Cottonwood, AZ

Bethany in her prom dress

The facilities at Front Sight where Larry took a two day handgun course