Larry has been very busy this month getting everything ready for our trip south. We started the month off with a nice surprise when the trailer manufacturer reimbursed us for the repairs on the trailer Larry made last month--PTL! Sometimes I get frustrated because Larry does things so thoroughly but twice this month, because he is such a perfectionist, he found and corrected potential problems which in both cases could have been really bad so I have to Praise the Lord for Larry and his listening to the Spirit.
It seems we always spend a lot while we are in Oregon but that is because there is no sales tax here and we want to be good stewards of the Lord's money. We check to see what something would cost if we waited until we were some place else and always end up purchasing it in OR. Often sales on the net don't include sales tax but then there is the shipping charge which adds to the cost.
Mid month we attended the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair in Tulelake, CA and really enjoyed it. Basically everything was free-free parking, free admission and free entertainment. We did pay for food and of course, the rides weren't free but we didn't ride any rides. There is a museum on the fairgrounds and for a small town (pop 1,000) it was great!
We had a young couple that really wanted to buy our place but unfortunately they do not have any down payment so no one will loan them any money even though they both have good jobs. If they are really interested, hopefully they will be diligent about saving and maybe they will have enough for next summer when we return. As I've said before, it will sell in God's time and on His timetable.