The "Big House" at Casa Grande Ruins in Coolidge, AZ
Inside the 'Big House' at Casa Grande Ruins
Larry at Casa Grande Ruins in Coolidge, AZ
The car and motorhome in the Cocopah parking lot in Yuma where we dry camped for 10 days while Larry had mouth surgery
Larry after his mouth surgery-looks like I beat him up!
We started the month off by loading up the car in the re-designed trailer that Larry has been diligently working on since we arrived in Apache Junction. Again, a friend came to help us load and God knew that we would need him! I'm so grateful he was there to help as I had two important phone calls I had to take so I wasn't much use to Larry. Everything went smoothly and we arrived in Casa Grande with no problems. Since Larry worked so hard getting the trailer ready he was ready for some R and R and that's what we did--relaxed. Larry did have a Doctor appt. in Phoenix and we met friends for lunch before his appointment. It was good to catch up with them and their family "doin's". We have been friends with them 17 years. We have been to Casa Grande many times in the past but have not visited the Ruins before but decided now was the time especially since our oldest grandson said we should. We were not disappointed. It is amazing how people who lived in the 1300's without all the technology we have today, accomplished so much.
The day we left Casa Grande for Yuma we ran into a dust storm and sat on the roadside for 4 1/2 hours waiting it out. Once the rain came, we started out again only to have a flat tire on the trailer! We called our roadside service and they said it would take 1-1 1/2 hours to reach us, so Larry changed the tire and we were back on the road in half an hour. I helped him and we both were very wet when we finished. We did get to Yuma before dark!
Monday Feb 21 Larry had all his teeth extracted and dentures put in. We sat in Yuma while he healed and waited for his second appointment. We waited two extra days to make sure he was OK to travel. He still is unable to eat (drinks the meals that I put in the blender) but his face is looking much better.
We are currently in St David, AZ for 10 days before heading to TX. We arrived yesterday.