We stayed pretty close to home in St David so Larry's mouth could heal. He is still having a few issues and some pain as bits of bone have worked their way out. A friend said that isn't unusual.
After leaving St David, AZ we spent three days on the road crossing TX and found another trailer tire with the tread gone but still inflated when we stopped for lunch one day. We must have bought some defective tires as that is the third tire to do that in the batch of eight tires. We ended up at Tres Rios RV in Glen Rose,TX, a new park for us but very nice. We were greeted by folks we have seen the last two years in AZ and met new folks. We met friends in Cleburne for lunch one day and had friends from Larry's seminary days come to our place another day. We enjoyed both visits and it is always good to see friends from the past, no matter how far in the past!
After a week we moved further east to Lake Tawakoni, TX about 60 miles east of Dallas and liked the park so well we changed our plans and stayed another week. We took a day trip to Mineola, TX which is a real touristy town and saw Kitchen's old fashioned hardware store. On the way back we took a detour and visited several yard sales and came away with something we needed, (surprise!)
Today we arrived at Cherokee Landing in Saulsbury, TN on opening day and were the first "campers" to arrive so we had our pick of sites. We were able to back the trailer and the motor home into the site and decided to extend here too since the site is so nice. It is great how accommodating TTN has been about extending at the last minute! Since we are staying here longer, it will give us more opportunities to visit the sights around Memphis. To get here today, we traveled 120 miles and were in three states (TX, MS, and TN). What a great country we live in to be able to travel so freely! We are taking full advantage as that may not be true in the future.