Snow on the Spring Mountains in Pahrump, NV taken from our campsite in Charleston Peak RV Resort
The ramp Larry fitted so he could enter the trailer easier. It is much easier on his back so he is a much happier camper now.
Larry working on a project at the Cocopah Casino with his new dentures in place.
Cocopah Casino in Somerton, AZ where we dry camped while we went to Algodones, Mexico for Larry's new dentures
After a week at Preferred RV in Pahrump, we moved down the road to Charleston Peak RV. After 100º weather for a week, we had a storm and snow on the Spring Mountains which was most welcomed. The snow didn't last long but we enjoyed it while we could see it. We made several trips to the Nugget buffet and met friends three different times. We always enjoy the Nugget and tend to eat more than needed. We went to Front Sight for a two day empty hand defensive course, learned a lot and were sore after using muscles unaccustomed to being used. We ended up buying a guide so we could review what we learned. After all, practice makes perfect.
We then headed to Cocopah Casino in Somerton, AZ so Larry could get his new dentures. The new ones look more natural (they are porcelain as opposed to plastic) and fit much better. He has had a few sore spots but is doing much better and is very grateful he doesn't have to spend half an hour anymore "preparing" his dentures with SeaBond!
We arrived at our leased lot in Phoenix last Friday and Dawn, Vince and friend, Jay came over and helped us get set up and then we all went out to eat at Sweet Tomatoes. Sat. Larry and Vince went to the gun show at the U of Phoenix stadium in Glendale.