Colby and Bethany at Outback |
Dawn, Ellen and Krista at Outback |
Krista and Colby at Outback |
Colby and his cake |
Skirting around the shed/trailer made from the old awning material |
The fold down drill press, still in the testing stage |
March 3 we moved the MH by going to Camping World in Mesa. Since Todd lives about 5 miles away, he met us there and we had a nice hour visit in the parking lot.
Larry returned his heart monitor after wearing it for two weeks but it showed nothing unusual. So now he is back to square one. He has decided to start drinking water instead of pop or Kool-aid and has been surprised just that alone has stopped his nightly bathroom visits. He doesn’t know if it is the sugar or what is the cause but he is happy since he is getting uninterrupted sleep.
I have been making weekly visits to the chiropractor and am doing much better. I returned to Sam’s Club for their monthly health check up and had my ears checked. The gal who tested me was really nice and said she did not recommend hearing aids at this time but to be mindful and check every 6 months or so.
March 16 we met at Outback Steakhouse for Colby’s 25th birthday. We had a great evening and spent three hours eating and laughing.
Larry has been busy with his ‘projects’ and getting things prepared to leave in May. He had listed many items on Craig’s List and so far has sold three items for almost $1000 which helps the pocketbook at lot! He put a skirt (made from our old slide out awnings) around our storage trailer (we use it as a shed), fiberglassed the cracks around the battery door and put a stainless steel reinforcement over them and extended it along the sides of the door and is still working on his drill press stand. He is trying to make it fold down so we can take it with us but it is a trial and error thing at this point.
The weather has been warm though out March and really nice but a dust storm blew in from the south a few days ago and it has been windy ever since. I have had to put the awnings in so they will last as the wind really tears them up. Fortunately we have not had the 50 mph winds that northern AZ has had.
Larry working on the stainless steel reinforcement around the battery door |
The finished product |