Sunday, March 1, 2015

Enjoying warm AZ

Our AquaHot was acting up again and by process of elimination, Larry decided the thermostats were bad and ordered new ones. On Feb 5 he put them in and we are back in business again. We didn't realize how bad the AquaHot was getting until he installed the new thermostats and now we have HOT water all the time. We were planning to go to San Clemente, CA to visit Girard and have them put new awning fabric in and try to figure out why we go through awnings so fast but the fellow we need to see has been out since November for shoulder surgery and is so far behind he did not want to deal with us so the company sent us the fabric (to put on ourselves) for free! That arrived Feb 14.

I did another pizza shop on Sunday Feb 8 after church. It is always fun to have our lunch/dinner paid for. This pizza place, although the same 'chain' has a much nicer décor than the other ones of the same chain we have visited before (two others) and so it was really more enjoyable.

Larry took possession of his new BMW bike on Feb 10 and so far is really enjoying it. He looks for excuses to ride it as much as possible.
Larry's new BMW

The park had their Valentine dinner on Sat Feb 14 and we enjoyed it very much. We sat with new to us neighbors and had a very nice visit with them. We had yummy birthday cake to celebrate Jan, Feb and Mar birthdays too.

Stacy from Awnings R US came out on Feb19 and put up Larry's new awning on his Man Cave and put the fabric in our Girard awning so we are all set with new awnings all the way around.
Stacy measuring for the new awning on Larry's Man Cave
The new awning done on Larry's Man Cave

Stacy putting in the new fabric for our Girard patio awning

We made another trip to Prescott, now that Larry and his brother are official personal representatives of their mother's estate. We have an auction of her personal things tentatively set for March 28.

A former customer is now a resident of our park and she is a Tweety lover too and gave us a collectable plate that is 3-D and really cute. It is Tweety looking for four leaf clovers. She has the complete collection and had an extra one of this plate. I thought it was really cool to see her again after so many years AND that she shared a Tweety plate with us!
The cute 3-D Tweety plate my former customer, Cindie, gave me
     God is good all the time!