We started off March with Colby and Krista’s wedding reception. Rain was predicted but God is good and there was no rain during the celebration. A good time was had by all. They are quite excited as they signed up to have their first house built with move in sometime in August.
Photo shoot at Japanese Friendship Gardens for Colby and Krista's wedding reception |
Krista taking off the top layer of cake for later |
Colby and Krista dancing their first dance by the pool |
Larry had a VA appointment to be fitted for a knee brace Mar 4 and he rode his bike. He really is enjoying his bike.
I had a ‘to go’ pizza shop and I went by myself while Larry was working in the man cave. It is always fun to go to different restaurants and have someone else pay for it!
'To go' pizza I brought back while Larry worked |
Vince had a childhood friend visit for a week from Chicago and he had never been to AZ before, so Vince gave him the grand tour. Even though he is from Chicago he is a ‘gun nut’ too so Larry went with he and Vince for some practice shooting. God again, showed how good He is by placing them at point where they met the owner of 85 acres of land and he allowed them to shoot on his land and told them they were welcomed to return anytime. They had to fjord the Agua Fria river to get to the property and the water was going over the hood of Vince’s truck but they made it both ways. The owner told them the river had been a foot higher the day before because of the rain we had a few days before. Normally it isn’t a big deal since AZ doesn’t get much rain. They had a great time and want to go back again soon.
We went to Red Lobster for Colby’s birthday and we rode the bike. It was a nice evening and great for riding plus we had a good time and were able to see pictures of the model home Colby and Krista are building.
March 28 was the auction for Mom Clark’s personal things and we spent the entire day there as the auction ran from 10 AM until 4:30 PM with an hour beforehand for “look-see”. I have never been to an auction before and it was quite an experience. We had thought we had all the personal items removed (like pictures and records) but two different buyers gave us things they found in their buys. One was a box of old letters dating back to 1953 and as I since have been going through them I found a letter I wrote in Oct 1960 when we lived in San Diego which told of the gal who lived in front of our apt., her baby and I walking 11/2 miles to Balboa Park pushing a grocery cart with the baby in it since she didn’t have a stroller, to see then President Eisenhower take off in a helicopter after visiting the area. I had forgotten all about that but after reading about it, memory of it is slowly coming back. Wow! that really dates me that I saw Pres. Eisenhower.
April 1 we went to a Seder and had a fabulous meal. It is always good to look back and remember where we came from and how God has supplied and protected us through it all.
Bethany and Dawn enjoying our Seder meal |
Larry and Vince chowing down at the Seder |