December went by quickly with lots of things happening. We went to the property to mark exactly where we wanted our sewer line dug and that happened on Dec 8. We did some negotiations and were able to get the price down some which is always good!
along east side of the house where our MH will be parked, showing our new sewer line |
Larry went to the VA to have his labs done before his annual appointment and discovered his 'new' doctor had quit! So he had to re-schedule with another doctor for his annual.
Since we were having 'issues' with our micro/convection oven we decided to purchase a new one and ended up ordering a GE Profile from Home Depot since they would deliver it for free. It arrived Saturday Dec 12 and Larry worked until midnight that night to get the old one out and the new one in.
Old micro out and getting ready for the new one
New micro in using Larry's jack and stool to hold it up so we could get it in place |
It has two shelves for the convection part and I used them for our Christmas dinner, cutting down on use time as I would not have been able to bake everything at the same time in the old one. Also the ham I bought would have been too big to fit in the old one so God knew and had us purchase the new one even though the old one was still working. I discovered upon reading the instructions for the new one that if something gets under the turntable, it can cause sparking and that is what was happening with the old one.
We had electrical problems with the pole and our energy system would not allow electricity through, although we were unaware of a problem until the generator tried to start! (One disadvantage to having an inverter that automatically switches over when shore power isn’t available) Larry was able to get the generator started by using the 'booster switch' to connect both the chassis and house batteries. That incident told us it is time to replace the chassis batteries as they are over five years old. Larry then checked the breaker at the pole and discovered one side was bad so he replaced the breaker and we are back in business.
We also had a water main leak in our backyard and had a royal mess for several days after the plumbers came out to fix it. They waited several days to make sure the leak was repaired before covering it all back up.
Water main leak in our backyard, waiting to see if it was stopped OK before covering it up |
We both sang in the choir for our church’s Christmas Eve service and it was a lovely service. It was really neat during the candlelight part to watch the darkened church slowly start 'glowing' as the candles were lit starting at the front and going to the back.
Christmas day we were again at grandson Colby and Krista’s new home and we had a wonderful time! There were 11 of us and we played several games that were hilarious! We didn’t get home until 11 PM.
Colby and Krista discovering their Christmas present was a week's trip to Disneyland (a surprise for Krista) |
Dec 29 Larry had an audio appointment at the main VA in Phoenix and he is thrilled as he is getting two new hearing aids that will fit inside his helmet and are bluetooth enabled. They will also hook up to the TV. Since we received a gift card to Valle Luna for Christmas we stopped on the way home from the VA (Tuesday is Senior 2 for 1 day) and enjoyed chimichangas. Since it was still early we stopped at Sam’s Club to return something and as we were leaving ran into Tom and Adele Bearup from Alaska. Seems we run into them at Sam’s quite often! We sat down at the Snack tables and caught up with them for the next two hours. It is always good to see old friends.
We ended the year by again going to the Marty Goetz concert with my friend Judy. It was extra special this year (it was the 27th year for his New Year’s Eve concert) since his daughter sang with him. What an awesome way to ring in the New Year!
Misha Goetz Holtz and her dad Marty Goetz |
Marty Goetz at the piano