We started the month of May off by using a Christmas present gift card and going to Cracker Barrel after church. We both had the tilapia and they were the best meals we have ever had at a restaurant! Since time was getting short until 'take off' time, I went into full gear to get everything cleaned and ready to go, washing the bedding, all the rugs, and the couch throws, cleaning out cabinets and cupboards and making sure we had everything we need for the trip bought and put away. We also made several trips to make sure the shed was packed and looking good by moving rock and putting skirting around the bottom.
Dawn surprised me by bringing an orchid over Sat. night before Mother’s Day so I could wear it to church.
My beautiful orchid for Mother's Day from Dawn |
I actually wore it four different times (three Sundays and to the Dr on Monday after Mother’s Day) because it still looked so good and I don’t get flowers very often so decided to take full advantage of it. We met the family at Sweet Tomatoes after church and had a good time celebrating two mother’s.
Sunday May 15 we all went to Red Lobster’s to celebrate Vince’s birthday as well as our 'good-bye' party. We took full advantage of the chiro while we could and went three times to see him before we left.
Vince's birthday cake at Red Lobster
Bethany and Colby at Red Lobster |
D day was the 19th of May and we would have had an early start if the fuse on the trailer hadn’t blown and finding a replacement set us back 45 minutes. Fortunately our neighbor had one so we didn’t have to take the MH to Auto Zone after all. We were trying to beat the predicted afternoon winds from Kingman, AZ to Pahrump,NV and mostly did. Once we crossed the Spring mountains we did had to contend with cross winds but that was only 45 miles or so. We did have some excitement soon after we entered Las Vegas as, fortunately Larry didn’t yell 'fire' just pulled over and said we lost a tire or brakes as we were smoking heavily from the passenger side of the trailer. When he saw the tires were still OK he thought it was the brakes overheating from the long downhill and said we needed to get going to cool them off. We didn’t have any more trouble and arrived at Preferred RV a little before 5 PM after first filling the diesel tank. Preferred RV has added a new pool enclosure that opens and closes to accommodate the weather.
New pool enclosure in closed position |
When Larry later checked the trailer tire he found the grease seal had let go and we had grease EVERYWHERE but the bearing was still good, thanks to the Amsoil grease and the good Lord.
All the grease on the inside of the tire and wheel from when the grease seal let go |
After Larry cleaned up the tire and wheel |
While in Pahrump we spent an afternoon at FrontSight in their Pro shop and Larry picked up his free items. We checked out the old Charleston Peak RV now Wine Ridge RV. They have made some nice improvements but have taken three rows of RV sites and put in 30 cabins instead as well as added four two bedroom cabins in the front area where we used to park our trailer. There is now a Holiday Inn beside what was Terrible’s Town and the Nugget, Lakeside and Terrible’s Town are now owned by a company called Golden and all the rules have changed. The Nugget no longer has the two for one senior buffet and while we had coupons for the two times we went, the place was very empty with 20-25 folks only where it used to be packed with a long waiting line to get in! The weather has been wonderful except for the wind but the heat is coming and we left just in time as today was to be 100º. The nights are still cool though. We will spend tonight near Gerlach, NV and it is 10º cooler than Pahrump and the night time temps. are still in the mid 50’s so it should be nice. I’m hoping to see all the stars since there is no light pollution in Gerlach. We are looking forward to returning to LaPine. OR!