Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year 2017!!

Larry started the month off by going to the gun show at the Fairgrounds with Vince. Vince sold some items and Larry bought some.

I had a haircut shop on the 8th which was nice to be paid to get a haircut, but I won't be doing that again anytime soon as all I had were problems with the shop. It did end OK though.

December 13 Vince graduated from ASU with a Bachelor in Science and Nursing degree. It was at the Convention Center and Dawn walked from her office and met us for the ceremony. Then that afternoon we all met at Olive Garden for a celebration meal.
Vince with Dawn at his graduation from ASU Dec 13
Ellen and Dawn at Vince's graduation at the convention Center in Phoenix, AZ

Dawn and Vince 'chowing down' at Olive Garden
 One of the gifts we gave to Vince and Dawn for combined Housewarming and Christmas was a flagpole for the front of their new house and it was a combined effort to get it up and Dawn put flowers around the base. It looks really nice now that it is done.

We sang in the Christmas Eve choir at our church and Dawn, Vince and Bethany came to hear us. Afterward refreshments were served and free family portraits were taken. I'm looking forward to seeing them.
Vince, Dawn, Ellen, Larry after the Christmas Eve service

After church on Christmas Day we went to Dawn and Vince's around 2 PM and then didn't get 'home' until 3 AM! We had a great time, great food, good fellowship and lots of laughs and fun. We played two different games the last being Mexican Train, something we used to play a lot when we were in RV parks.  
The dining room before our Christmas meal

Family room ready for Christmas

Krista, Colby and Bethany looking 'cool'

Us Christmas day

Larry rented a U-Haul van to borrow his old welder so he can do welding on his latest project. The welder he has isn't large enough to weld the thick metal on the HydoLift.  It will be awhile before his project is finished as he is taking it slowly since he is modifying the motorhome.
unloading the HydoLift

Loading the tank back onto the welder cart

New Year's Eve we again went with my friend, Judy, to the Marty Goetz concert in Scottsdale. A great way to end 2016!  Dawn and Vince had a small NYE party and we joined them after the concert.  We had fireworks in the front yard that were very nice and the across the street neighbors to the east of us had some really big fireworks.  We were glad we had early rain to cut down on the fire hazard as several of the fireworks didn't go as high as they were supposed to.
Misha Goetz-Holtz holding 10 month old Caleb with Joshua Holtz
and Marty Goetz at the piano

Our fireworks  The bright lights in the background are where the
really big fireworks were set off