At the beginning of the month we took a
bike ride to Cycle Gear and Harbor Freight for a few items and
enjoyed the ride. We stopped at our old park and I picked some
grapefruit from one of the neighbor's tree. Always nice to have
fresh grapefruit each morning! We also took a ride to Camping World
to get Dawn's birthday present, Mexican Train game and eight tile
holders plus a satchel to hold it all. On the 7th we met
at Sweet Tomatoes to celebrate Dawn's birthday and had a lot of fun.
When we got home we played Mexican Train and have been playing each
weekend since then.
Vince and Dawn at Sweet Tomatoes |
What Vince gave Dawn for her birthday
Larry and Dawn at Sweet Tomatoes |
I had a new Mexican restaurant shop in
Scottsdale on the 8th. Then on the 10th Larry
had his yearly check up at the VA and his doctor told him, based on
his excellent labs, he would live to be 150! We again rode the bike
and after his VA appointment I had a shop at Shooter's World. I was
a little concerned we would have a lot of traffic coming home at “go
home” time but since we can ride in the HOV lane we actually made
better time returning than going!
Larry at my Shooter's World shop |
On the 13th we went to see
'Lights of the World' display at Wild Horse Pass. Several of the
displays were made with all dishes or glass bottles or soda cans and
they were most interesting. It was nice but we would probably not
visit again as it was costly.
The Phoenix light display |
from 'down under' showing Australia display |
dinosaur made of all glass bottles |
Larry advertised an item on Craig's
List and had a fellow ask if he would consider trading for a new
large revolver and some cash which Larry did and he is like a kid in
a candy store with his 'new' toy.
We stopped at Albertson's after church
on the 15th to take advantage of their sale on citron so I
could bake a fruitcake. It seems the longer it is in the
refrigerator the better it tastes.
Since we received some movie tickets
for Christmas we went to see “Hidden Figures” and really enjoyed
it. Anytime there is a movie based on real happenings that seem like
'miracles' I enjoy it.
For my birthday we went to Red Lobster
and again had a great evening ending up with playing a game of
Mexican Train. I lost big time but I still enjoy the game. Of
course winning is more fun but there can be only one winner.
At Red Lobster for my birthday |
Bethany and Colby enjoying birthday cake baked by Dawn |
The weather has turned warmer and the
rain has stopped so Larry is busy working on the Hydrolift. He just
may get it finished before we go the Good Sam Rally the end of
New LED lights in Larry's Man Cave |
working on the HydroLift |
We learned late last night that our good friend, David, when home to be with Jesus yesterday. He will be missed but we will see him again.