Friday, February 1, 2019

It's always something!

We celebrated Dawn's birthday by getting take out from Red Robin since the newest member of the family was being fussy but we all had a fun evening.
Dawn's birthday party

Our kitchen sink faucet broke again so Moen sent us a replacement since our old model is no longer made. The arm on the new one is shorter and lower which I don't like but it does work.
Almost hits my dish drainer

We were preparing to move the coach on Jan 14 but it rained the night before and Larry didn't want to get stuck in the driveway like we almost did in October so instead Larry decided to put the MH on jack stands to get the tires off the ground and we could run the engine to get the fluids moving. When the jack stands arrived Larry went out to get them ready to place under the MH and found the uprights that hold the rear end to the frame were broken loose! PTL God sent the rain so we didn't move the MH!! After removing the tires and carefully checking plus much prayer he has found a certified welder who will come out and repair our big boo boo on February 9.
Driver side break of the upright to the frame

New jack stands to hold the coach without the tires

Passenger side break from the back

Passenger side break from the front

For my birthday we went to Cracker Barrel so I could have fried okra and then returned to Dawn and Vince's for cake and ice cream. On my actual birthday Larry and I went to Old Country Buffet where I again had fired okra, a real treat for me!
My birthday cake at Dawn's

Us at Cracker Barrel

We ended the month with Larry going to a new dentist since we now have Medicare Advantage with both dental and vision coverage. The appointment was no charge-nice!