September has been my least favorite
month ever since we moved to AZ in 1977 because it is supposed to
cool down when the kids go back to school but it doesn't and this
year was no exception. So far in 2020 Phoenix has had 133 days at
100º or above and we are still counting!! The all time record is 143 days and we just may tie or break that record.
After four months, Larry finally (on Sept. 30) has his new dentures with the bottom attached with four implant posts so he is learning how to eat food all over again. It means I have to start cooking again as during the four months he was without teeth he put his food in the VitaMix and I ate salad.
On the 10 of Sept. we had a wind storm that tore the awning on the Man Cave is two and Shade Pro came out and put up a new one on Sept 18. We went with a lighter color (gray instead of black) and Larry likes it a lot better. When taking the old awning down we discovered the arms were not as they should be so that was fixed also.
We had a late birthday party on Sept.19 for Larry, thinking he was going to get his new teeth but that didn't happen. We had the party anyway and Larry had to VitaMix his burger as we had take out from Red Robin (his choice). The birthday card from Dawn and Vince says it all!