We started the month of March out by having the diesel tank delivered. Once it was off the truck and
the delivery fellow had gone, with Vince's help we were lowering it down onto the roller cart when the
extension bar on the Port-a-Crane gave way and dropped the tank onto the cart! God is SO good as it
was only a foot from the cart, no one was hurt and neither was the tank. PTL!! Once Larry painted the
back side of the tank, all four of us worked to get it into place. It took some 'doings' but we got it done.
PTL! We were able to get the fuel delivered and Larry worked diligently to get the fuel line in place
and hooked up. He moved the fuel filter inside the bay on the driver's side (it was on the passenger's
side) and has both the furnace and the generator now hooked to the red fuel tank.
Lowering the tank down
Hanging in the air after the truck left
Taking the tank off the truck
Where we put the tank
The fuel filter in the drivers' side bay
Protecting the fuel line under the MH
Putting the fuel line in the crack Larry made across the drivewayTodd came to visit on Saturday March 12 and we had a wonderful visit! He stayed six hours.
Dawn has been busy landscaping their back yard but it is taking her much longer than she anticipated.
Once she is finished it will be really awesome!
I've been walking almost daily once again and my ankle seems to be doing better each time I walk.
Larry decided we needed to put 'Soft Starts' on the A/C units so we can actually run two A/C's on 30
amps. Hopefully they will help with the electric bill this summer. Dawn and Vince had them put on
their A/C units and the units run quieter now and don't make a big 'thump' noise when they start or
stop. Our units seem to run quieter also.
On the roof putting the Soft Starts onWe have once again begun to attend church in person and going out for Chinese afterwards. It is good to get out and about!
We have had some really nice weather and I again leave you with a beautiful AZ sunset.