Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Summer has arrived

I had my last ever colonoscopy and it went well. I took 24 pills instead of

drinking gallons of juice and it worked better than the juice’

May 8, Mother’s Day and we celebrated Todd’s 60th birthday with much of

the family. There were 18 of us. Cerét and her family came for ID and it had

been eight months since they were last here. We had a fun day.

              Shane, LaTia. Larry. Alex, Cerét

              Todd , Cerét's MIL and Calvin
             Larry, Shane and Todd
Alex, Anna, Dominick, Lorenta, Vince and Lorenta Sr, mom to twins Anna and Lorenta


Everyone minus Anna who took the picture

The pretty cactus Todd gave me for Mother's Day
The Dove chocolate 'flowers' Dawn made for my Mother's Day gift

For Vince’s birthday we went to Red Robin and then came home for cake and



Larry has been helping Dawn with her backyard project and he moved the

outside water valve so it wouldn’t be in the way for walking. 

  Dawn watching Larry's fix

Since Vince nearly always wins at Train he wanted to play something

different so we played Farkle, a fast moving dice game. We played three

games and each of the ‘losers’ (at Train) won a game so we will play Farkle

again come Friday.