We started out the month of January by celebrating Dawn's birthday by going to Texas Roadhouse and then had a cake at their house.
Larry was finally able to find someone to help him figure out what was wrong with our electric and why we could not get two A/C's to work on solar. It took him three days to fix the problem and now I can even use the stove on solar which I could not do before. While he was working inside, outside was winter and killed my garden even though I covered the tomatoes and put a light on them. So disappointing as there were hundreds of cherry tomatoes unripe. Some in the middle of the plant are still green and attached and we have been able to eat some ripe and also had fried green cherry tomatoes. It is supposed to get cold again so I'm hoping this round won't kill the rest of the plant!
Finished productRe-wiring the electric breaker boxes in the bedroom
Just beginning the project
The cold weather or something affected Larry and he got Covid again but is doing better now after two weeks of yo-yo feelings, good one day and not so good the next.
Todd paid a surprise visit on my birthday which was wonderful and we had a good visit. He gave me some lovey vibrant Primroses and Shane and Milli gave me some Tweety slippers.
Flowers Todd gave meTweety slippers
We went to Texas Roadhouse again on the 30th for my birthday and then back to Dawn and Vince's for angel cake, my favorite!
My yummy cakeLarry was tired of staying in and since it was sunny outside, went out to cut some aluminum to make a frame for a filter to put on the bedroom window. He always has to have a project!
Fitting the filter into the frameCutting the aluminum in the sunny backyard