Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy New Year!

Our granddaughter Bethany singing her solo at her schools 'Holiday Concert'
Our new Tweety Christmas tree ornament, a gift from good friends
Enjoying pie at our Christmas get-together
New Tweety that greets you as you come to our door
Our new Tweety stained glass medallion from Mexico

I'm late in posting this, sorry. We were quite busy over the holidays and then Larry got sick and wasn't able to attend our Christmas gathering with the kids. He is fine now but it did take him some time to feel 100% again.

We are currently in Casa Grande, AZ at one of our favorite parks. We drove our car to Yuma and Algodones, MX to get our teeth fixed, get Larry new glasses and fine some 'Tweety" bargins. We came away poorer but happy. Larry tried 'progressive' lens and so far is very happy with them. He said trifocals with lines make him 'look old'.

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