The awesome view from the coach outside of Gerlach, NV where we stopped for lunch

The iris blooming at the back of our place in Merrill

My beautiful peonies in full bloom

Mama Duck and her 10 ducklings trying to get out of our yard. (the tenth duckling is just behind mama)

The 'Field of Honor' with 1000 flags flying in Veterans Park in Klamath Falls with Lake Ewauna in the background

Larry receiving his medal for service in the US Navy at the 'Field of Honor' over Memorial Day weekend
We have been at our 'home base' for three weeks and tomorrow head north for a Coaches for Christ pre-rally and then to Albany, OR for the Northwest FMCA Rally. Since we will be very busy the next ten days, tonight is the night for an update.
I drove some each of the two days it took to go from Pahrump, NV to Merrill, OR. We had lunch the second day outside of Gerlach, NV and had an awesome view of the mountains topped with snow.
The past three weeks have gone by quickly and while we haven't gone any place except to Klamath Falls to Wal-Mart and for Chinese we have done a lot. We sold extra 'stuff' on both E-bay and Craig's List with an e-bay item going to Japan! Guess that makes us international traders. Larry put up a weather station which we put to the test yesterday when we had a storm 'blow' in (41mph wind gusts), hail and we accumulated .22 in. of rain in 20 minutes! Of course we had just washed the coach and the trailer the day before!! He also installed vents in the sides of the trailer for better ventilation.
For the first time since buying this place in 2001, I saw both my iris and peonies bloom and they are beautiful!
Sunday of Memorial Day weekend when we came home from church, we had a Mama duck and 10 ducklings caught in our yard. We don't know where they came from or where they went when we were finally able to get them out of our yard. At one point Mama did the classic 'broken wing' flop around and around to get my attention away from her ducklings. Unfortunately, Larry had gone inside with the camera so didn't get any pictures of that great act.
Also on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, Klamath Falls had a service for all veterans called "Field of Honor" with 1000 flags flying in Veterans Park and gave out metals to honorably discharged vets. Larry received a metal. The service was quite impressive, especailly for Vietnam vets who were not welcomed home as they should have been.
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