The new TV in the front of our motorhome

The new 'brush guard' on the back of the motorhome

The beefed up wheel on the trailer

Near Bonanza,OR the view from our first OR property
After a month at our home base repairing, maintaining and customizing the motorhome and trailer, we are ready to ‘hit the road again’.
We have stayed pretty close to home, making weekly ‘runs’ to Klamath Falls for items we couldn’t get in Merrill. Since there is no sales tax in OR, we like to stock up on paper goods and other consumable items to last until we return to OR. That makes for a very full motorhome!
Larry’s projects included putting in a new 32” TV in the front and modifying the cabinet around it as well as beefing up the support in the back so hopefully this TV won’t be “jarred” to death like the last one. He also put in a central vacuum cleaner, something I didn’t particularly want, but he wanted to get the dust and noise out of the living space since allergies bother him so much. I have to admit it is very handy and I do like the less noise and heat. He put a new ‘brush guard’ on the back of the motorhome in place of the heavy mudflap that came on it. He is hoping it will improve the mileage as well as protect the front of the trailer better. He put a bumper on the back of the trailer so, if need be, he can push the trailer with the car when it is disconnected from the motorhome, as well as beefing up the trailer wheel so it will roll easier when it is disconnected from the motorhome. He also changed the oil filters on the coach and repositioned the oil filters for the Aqua-Hot and generator so he could get to them easier in the future. Since we use the Amsoil by-pass filter system on both the car and the coach, we don’t change the oil, just the filters, so we have been “green” long before “green’ was the “in” thing!
I spent the time cleaning and sorting our clothes, the cabinets and closets so we have the right mix of things for the next 10 months or so. I also spent time in the yard weeding, spraying and picking up the neighbor’s cats ‘droppings’, not a job I enjoy! I did lots of laundry so everything is nice and clean, ready for our trip.
One Sunday we did take a ‘Sunday afternoon drive’ as a dry run for our upcoming trip. We wanted to be sure there were no ‘surprises’ like a low bridge or an overload bridge on our planned route since we have never gone that way before. Since we were out we decided to ‘visit’ the first property we owned in 2000 in OR. It is a long way from anywhere and the road is definitely not suited for our motorhome, so God knew what HE was doing when He had us sell it in 2001! The views are great but would have required a lot of work to make it doable. Besides that it gets A LOT of snow each year.
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