Our site at Sunrise Heights in Phoenix, AZ

Dawn in the kitchen slicing bread for our Christmas meal

The 'boys' playing pool while the girls were getting the meal ready

Alex and Colby finishing off a game of pool

Son Todd and his wife LaTia at our Christmas gathering

Shane, Bethany, Jes, and Colby at our Christmas get together

Granddaughter Ceret and Adam in the clubhouse where we met for Christmas

Vince and his brother, Angelo who recently moved to AZ from Chicago

Grandma and Shane, the 'missing' grandson from most of the family 'doin's' . He spent the summer in Alaska
The entire family on Christmas Day. We had a great time!

Four generations Bethany, Dawn, Larry, Florence in Prescott, AZ
Here we are starting a new decade. Time goes faster and faster!
December was a good month for us. We saw many friends and went to several Christmas parties and hosted the family on Christmas day. It was nice to see more stores acknowledging Christmas this year, the celebration of Jesus' birth 2000 years ago. We also took a trip to Prescott to see Larry's mother and took a picture of four generations. About 14 years ago we took a picture of five generations,with Larry's grandmother the one missing now as she went home to be with Jesus in 1997.
We have enjoyed our time at Sunrise Heights in Phoenix. We head to Apache Junction in a few days to the same spot we had last year (only one big enough for us!).
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