Because of the change of plans, Colby was able to come. He had THREE invitations for 2PM dinner and I'm so glad he chose our dinner!
We enjoyed our weekend at FrontSight with Dawn and Vince. I learned much and feel more confident handling my revolver.
We crossed the new Hoover Dam bridge but had no conception that we were 900 ft in the air as the side walls are very high and you cannot look over them even in our motorhome! The four lane road is a great improvement and makes the trip much more enjoyable.
Upon arriving at Verde Valley preserve, we found friends we hadn’t seen in two years. It is always fun to see ‘old’ friends! One Sunday we saw other friends we hadn’t seen in five years at the Chinese restaurant in Cottonwood. The last time we saw them was at the same restaurant! They live in Dewey, AZ and don’t visit Cottonwood very often so we feel it was a ‘God’ thing.
We made two trips to Prescott to see Larry’s mom and help her out. A hail storm damaged her roof so she is getting it fixed. Also the severe storm they had several weeks ago where is rained 4 3/4 inches in 4 minutes caused a lot of water damage to her back yard hill so she has had that fixed also.
For Thanksgiving we were supposed to go to our oldest granddaughter’s place but she became ill so we went to Dawn and Vince’s at the last minute. We took Larry’s mom so she could see the kids and grands. The only one she/we didn’t see was our oldest granddaughter but hopefully we will see her Christmas if not before. Since we will be in Sun City the month of Dec and she lives not too far away, maybe we can get together before.
One really neat thing that happened while in Cottonwood was we saw three different full arch rainbows in one day. All I had was my cell phone but they were beautiful!
We arrived back to Paradise RV yesterday and are so glad to be warm again! The high in Camp Verde on Monday was 49` and Wednesday when we arrived in Sun City it was 71`
Such a welcomed difference!!
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