We went to Prescott to move the mailbox from the bottom of the hill to beside the garage for his mother. I also called the newspaper and asked them to throw the paper up by the garage door so she doesn’t have to go down the hill to get either the mail or the paper now. She is liking that very much and said on the windy days the paper has been in the paper box below the mailbox which means the paper person has to get out of their car to put the paper in the box. That is really nice!
We met friends at our favorite Chinese restaurant and were very disappointed with the food. We have been going to that restaurant for almost twenty years and learned it had been sold recently so we will not be going back. We also met ‘growing up’ friends we haven’t seen in 11 years and had a nice visit. They have retired to a small southern IN town not too far from where we once lived in southern IN. We learned it really is a small world!
We moved the MH by going to Cave Creek, AZ and doing a take out pizza shop so we killed two birds with one stone.
The pizza was fantastic but Larry was feeling pretty bad and was running a fever (we stopped to buy a thermometer on the way). He spent the next few days in bed and I ended up taking him to the emergency room at the VA on Saturday because he thought he had pneumonia (which the chest x-ray showed he didn’t). Monday evening he started coughing up blood and then his nose started bleeding so we went back to the emergency room at the VA. They kept him overnight but never did figure out what caused the problem. They said he had bronchitis. He has been taking it easy since trying to shake whatever he has. We had some cold weather and hail so he didn’t want to get out anyway.
The last Sunday of Feb after church I did a shop for Black Bear Diner, something I have wanted to do for a long time. It was well worth the wait and we had enough leftovers for two more meals. Sweet!
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