Larry has been thinking about going to see his Mom and his brother called to say her social worker thinks she wants closure and would like a visit from him so we went June 9, fourteen months after we last left on not so good terms. She seemed glad to see us and we spent most of the day with her. She surprised Larry with a birthday present, a blanket he said he liked the last time we saw her.
It was obvious she needs help or should go to assisted living as her dishes were stacked on the kitchen floor with mold growing on them. I washed five dishpans full and there were still about that many more to wash. The refrigerator stunk so badly we gagged whenever we opened the door. Larry threw out about $100 worth of food that was green and moldy and cleaned it up the best he could and went to the bank for her to deposit checks from as far back as Nov. 2013! We called the social worker to report what we found but she didn’t go check on her until Friday (five days later) and by that time she had found someone to come in and remove the dishes and clean up so she is still in her own place.
The blanket Larry's Mom gave to him for his birthday, put to good use |
Larry’s June project was re-doing the cover on the trailer tongue. Water had gotten in and the board swelled so he had to fix it. He painted it then put non-skid tape down.
The finished product |
We left AZ on June 16 and went to Las Vegas to see our friends, Forrest and Rosie. We stayed at Duck Creek RV. It was really windy and when we took the BMW to the dealer in Las Vegas for some repair work, Larry was almost blown over! We left it on Monday evening and returned Tuesday evening to pick it up. It was windy both days but we took a different way back on Tues that was easier, with less lights. We even stopped at Costco which was just three miles from the campground. We enjoyed two meals with our friends and had some lively discussions. We all went to the Carroll Shelby Museum but basically only Larry enjoyed it as the ‘tour’ really seemed to be a sales pitch for buying Carroll Shelby packages. There were some nice cars but it was not what we were expecting.
We left Las Vegas on Wed. June 18 and overnighted west of Gerlach, NV when we discovered the parking lot we had planned on spending the night in, had been re-paved that day and was all blocked off. We also discovered the Bank of America is Fallon, NV is no longer. It was sold to Washington Federal along with several other B of A branches in NV and NM. Bummer! We met a trucker in Bend who was looking for the Bank of America branch who also used to stop at the B of A branch in Fallon. Small world!
Where we overnighted on our way to La Pine |
We arrived at Cascade Meadows on Thurs June 19 and the first night the temperature dropped to 26º! Talk about the body going into shock, from 100º in Las Vegas to 24º in La Pine in two days! The temperature has been better since then, making for nice walking weather.
Still no tires in Klamath Falls for the motorhome but we have new tires on the BMW and we are currently in Coburg, OR sans trailer getting everything ready on the coach for our trip east in another month and a half.
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