Friday, March 1, 2019


The MH is not repaired yet as Larry ended up with pneumonia from his C-PAP machine and was down for most of the month.  He is doing better now but is having to take is slowly as he gets tired very quickly from being in bed for two weeks along with numerous trips to the VA including the emergency room.  These are called 'the Golden Years' so where is the gold??

When he was feeling some better and the weather was too cold to be outside, he finished a project he has thought about for several years, making it easier to get to the electric panel behind his clothes cabinet.  It took a lot of re-doing but it will make repairs and changing fuses in the area so much easier in the future.
New access panel Larry put into his closet

It also has been quite cold so he couldn't have done much outside anyway.  While we didn't have snow where we are, we could see snow on the mountains to the north of us as well to the east of us.  Really awesome as that is a very rare sight for Phoenix!
Snow to the north of us in Phoenix Feb 24, 2019

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