Monday, June 1, 2020

Getting Hotter

May 1 Phoenix had a very nice Fly Over from Luke AFB to honor the health care workers and first responders and I did see it but wasn't able to get any pictures as it was really quick (there were 17 planes) and I was several miles away and didn't realize until almost too late what I was seeing.

Larry has been telling me to get a new phone for several months now but I just didn't want to spend the money. I did 'look' on the site and could not believe my eyes when I saw the new I-Phone SE for 99¢ so I went ahead and bought one and then they credited my account 99¢!  I was able to sell my old phone for $100 so it was a win win situation.

We are slowly going back out and have had two chiropractic appts this past month.  I had a dermatology appt. and Larry saw an outside ENT for the Inspire transplant for sleep apnea since he has had so many problems with his C-Pap machine.  Hopefully it will get in the works soon.

Since spring came early to AZ, I delayed doing spring cleaning but couldn't delay it any longer and finally was able to get all the rugs, filters and covers washed and cleaned. We bought air purifiers and I was shocked at how dirty they became in just one week!  They will need weekly cleaning from now on but hopefully that will help Larry with his allergies.

We have once again started play Train with Dawn and Vince on Friday nights. We also had a small birthday party for Vince.  We ordered from Red Robin for takeout and they made only one mistake.
Vince's birthday party

Vince's birthday cake

Larry has been working hard at moving our sewer line so we can have an RV cover put over the MH. He did a good job and he also buried the electric cord in a 4” pipe to help keep it out of the AZ sun.
Larry moving the sewer line under the living room slide out

Where Larry buried the electric cord to protect it from the harsh AZ sun

Dawn and Vince's pool was supposed to be done May 31 but still has some more work to be done. It is looking good though.
Pool with the lights on

Pool with the Cool Decking done, but not finished yet

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