Saturday, May 1, 2021

Lots of Projects and Late Nights

We started April off with hiring José to move dirt from one side of the property to the other side because the wall was raised two blocks and we needed more 'foundation'. Then we taped all the seams on the shed trailer and Larry finished it off by painting two coats of sealant. It looks really great and we should not have any leaks for a long time!

              Larry raking the dirt José brought from the west side to the east side

          The roof of the trailer shed with the tape over the seams

 Larry painting the trailer shed roof

The morning sun still comes in and heats the side of the MH especially my side window so Larry fixed the outside screen we've had for years and put it over my side window. It does make a difference!

                         The screen Larry fixed over my side window

Larry made a rack for his extra long metal and moved the deck box beside the rack and it holds all his 'little' extra metal for his many projects. The place is starting to look more organized.

              The rack Larry welded together and the second deck box in its new home

The next project was two super bright LED lights for the RV cover, one over the Man Cave and the other over the MH. They are so bright you cannot look at them, much like the sun! It will allow Larry to work outside this summer at night when it should be cooler as he is happiest when he has 'projects'.

                         New light over the Man Cave
                   Showing how bright the new light is!

Since we were unable to find anyone to fix the boo-boo on the gutter (there were only a few screws actually holding anything) we ended up renting a scissor lift so Larry could repair the gutter properly. We had to deal with wind issues so ended up working until 11 or 11:30 PM the three days we had the lift. Along with repairing the gutter, Larry also hardwired the light over the MH using the lift. Since the light over the Man Cave can be reached by Larry standing on top of the Man Cave, he has not hard wired it yet but is working on it as I write. Since Larry was not able to reach the entire gutter via the scissor lift, he had to use the ladder to reach the west end of the gutter. When the wind died down after dark, he ended up painting the gutter until nearly midnight April 23. I guess the old adage “if you want something done right, do it yourself” holds true in the case of the gutter! At any rate, it is finished and done right now!

                         Larry working on the gutter

         Painting the gutter after dark since the wind had died down

         Hard wiring the light above the MH with the lift

                              Hard wiring the light over the Man Cave

                        The switch for the new light on one of the poles

We ordered sheep skin captain chair covers several weeks ago and they showed up April 23 so I put them on. They are very comfortable!

                                    Before the seat cover

                          With the new sheepskin seat cover

In between all the projects, we did make several visits to the doctor, dentist and chiropractor plus played Train with Vince and Dawn most Friday nights.

Easter Sunday we did manage to get to church and then went out for Chinese. We haven't missed a Sunday yet because we watch the service on TV but it did seem strange actually going out as it has been a long time since we last went in person.

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