We started off the month going to our friend Tom’s 75th birthday party. This year only 50 showed up while for his 65th birthday, there were 150, perhaps due to the ongoing Covid? We had a good time and I won one of the ten door prizes, a huge cup filled with chocolates. I ate the chocolates and Larry is using the cup as he has been looking for a BIG cup for a long time now. We both were happy.
Big cup from the birthday partyTom and his wife Adele
Larry and some of the party goers
The furnace started giving us a three blink code saying it didn’t want to work anymore. Larry investigated and found we needed a new fuel nozzle so he ordered one from OR and then he set the bay up so he could get into it from either side so he could replace the nozzle and also clean the burner mirror of soot. He was able to fix it just in time for a cold spell where the high was only 45º and the low was 36º, the coldest we’ve been this winter. God is good all the time!
Larry in the drivers' side of the furnace baySince we are not going to be mobile anymore and have the MH up on blocks, we decided to put in a 500 gallon diesel tank and have it filled with red diesel to run the furnace, water heater and generator. It took longer than we had planned to get the tank built since the fellow who is building it for us got Covid but we should have it soon so Larry bought cement blocks and set them up to hold the tank. He also cut the RV pad so he can run the fuel lines from the tank to the furnace. He was able to widen and deepen the crack that was already in the RV pad, using a saw he bought at the pawn shop and a drill/ jack hammer he purchased at the pawn shop some time ago. God is so good at providing for our needs!
Widening the crack with the jackhammer drill
The next project is to put up a solar panel to power the gate opener and I helped him set the tall ladder up so he can start on that project as soon as the diesel tank project is finished. You know he isn’t happy unless he has a ‘project’! So grateful he is doing so much better and back to nearly normal after three months of fighting Covid. God is good all the time!
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