July has been the month of late night working to avoid the direct sun and heat
(still didn’t miss the heat as many nights it was nearly 100º!). We were finishing putting up the shade screen on the west side and half of the south side to cover Larry’s Man Cave as well as just finishing putting up the partial shade on the east side to shade the car in the mornings. God was so good as we had five days of below 100º and one day the high was only 85º, unheard of for July in Phoenix! I was able to go for a walk two different days, something I haven’t done in quite awhile so it felt good so get out again.

West side shade
The 19th Larry had a CT scan at the VA and spent 15 minutes driving around looking for a parking place. On one of his rounds some nice folks gave him a bag of fresh produce which we have enjoyed very much!
We had another nice visit from Todd on the 20th. It is always nice to see him and we had a good visit.
We have been playing Farkle on Fridays instead of Train as it gives all of us a better chance of winning and usually each of us wins at least one game. We
are able to play several games as they go quickly.
The heat has about done my garden in but we have enjoyed okra, squash and beets. I’m hoping my ‘winter’ garden will do better but I have to wait a few more months before planting it.
Now that the shades are in place, Larry made frames to pour concrete in to hold the shades on the west side down in the wind. We had a fierce storm Saturday night July 30 with 41mph winds and almost an inch of rain in half an hour! We really needed the rain but not like that! The sky was purple after the storm.
Concrete blocks to hold the shade down in the windPurple sky after our storm
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