Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 We were able to go off grid for about half the month so hopefully that will help the electric bill.  Oct 19 we hit 101º so hopefully that will be the last 100º day of 2023!  Most of the month was really nice weather wise, a welcomed relief.  

On Oct 14 I ended up in the hospital observation ward because my heart rate went up to 155 bpm and won't stop for two hours.  Of course as soon as I got there it slowed down but I had signs of a heart attack in my blood but no other signs so they wanted me to stay so they could 'observe' me.  I was there two nights.  Todd surprised me with a very nice visit and that made the time on Sunday go by really fast.  I still don't know why or what went wrong and have to figure the doctors don't know either since I've heard nothing from them.

We ended the month by going to see the movie "Miracle in East Texas" with Kevin Sorbe.  It is a true story from 1930 and the oil they found helped the Allies win the second world war according to Winston Churchill.  That was not mentioned in the movie.  It is a comedy love story about redemption.

                 Sunset Oct 30, 2023 from the backyard
Lemon cake I bake for Larry with cream cheese frosting

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