Thursday, August 1, 2013

July,a Tough month but it is behind us now

July started off with a bang. On the afternoon of the 2nd we had a thirteen minute hail storm with golf ball size hail that did a lot of damage to the car, trailer and motorhome.
                          The damaged TV dome on the top of the motorhome 
Hailstones on the slide out cover that ripped it from the MH.  The hail also damaged the other side out cover and all seven window awnings.
                                       Even the tire covers were shredded

                                  Maxx Air vent from the top of the trailer
                         Side of the trailer that was hit the hardest by the hail

              Some of the cracks in the car windshield caused by the hailstones

                                Big dents in the top of the car from the hail

Larry was gone into town on his bike during the storm and I didn't know where he was or what happened to him for two hours since we have lousy cell phone service in the park. PTL, God protected him because the part he was after was delayed so he was inside at the dealership, along with his bike, during the storm. Had the part been there like it was supposed to be, he would have been on the road when our storm hit with nowhere to hide since on one side of the road is a sheer drop-off and the other side is a wall of rock. The next day I started experiencing dizziness and was unable to work my shift in the dining hall. Then on Sat July 6 after my shift working I wasn't feeling very good and went to sit down. Shortly after that I passed out and had two goose eggs, one on my head and the other on my nose, to prove I went down. I remember nothing. We went to the emergency room and they ran all kinds of tests on me but came up with nothing—no apparent reason for me fainting. Since then I haven't felt quite “right”. Several people have suggested altitude sickness but I was here for five weeks with no problems so I really don't think that is it. I may be having a reaction to pressure changes as the next week our weather alert radio went off every day with severe storms warnings and we have had storms nearly every day since.

Friday July 12, since it was raining (again, all day) and we didn't have to work Larry decided to move the cell booster to see if we could get better reception and noticed the washer looked lope-sided (the booster connection is above the washer). Upon further investigation he discovered the floor under the washer had collapsed on one side! He spent the rest of the day taking the washer out (putting it on the bed frame which meant he had to get it done so we could go to bed), re-doing the floor and re-installing the washer in the tight quarters.  He finished at midnight but we didn't get anything put
away until Saturday. Also on Saturday the insurance adjuster finally made it out here to assess the damage.
                              How Larry took the washer out of the corner 'nook'
                                   Larry repairing the floor under the washer

Our friends, Ed and Lana, who have a place in the area, stopped by and then we all went to the big church service that the camp was having that involved five local churches. There was great music especially the acappella group from the Church of Christ. I really liked the bass singers (3) and one was a very deep voice that was wonderful. This past Sunday we went to the Inn of the Gods after church for lunch with them as they are leaving the area and won't be back before we leave in September. It is a beautiful hotel, casino complex on a man made lake with teepees around it for an added touch. It is on Mescalaro Indian land.

Saturday the 27th in the mid afternoon we were talking to some new campers when we heard a roaring sound and quickly saw we were experiencing a flash flood through the campground that basically cut the camp in half. It lasted about thirty minutes and left about 10-12 inches of mud and debris including a tire all across the road.  The camp director came with a frontloader and cleared most of the mud so people could get to their homes and we could get to the dining hall to serve dinner.
The flash flood from the south side of the gym
               Larry 'checking out' the flash flood from the north side of the gym

Monday July 29 we took the car to Roswell to the body shop for repair. They will have it three weeks. Since we were in Roswell we went to the UFO Museum there and spent several hours reading and looking at all the evidence of the “Roswell incident” in July 1947. I remember as a kid looking at a magazine that had pictures of the creatures that the rancher found on his ranch after their craft crashed during a terrible thunderstorm. Of course the government poop pooped the idea and said it was a weather balloon. The museum has several rooms full of documents to say otherwise.
                                                    Crash site depiction
                                   Newspaper about the Roswell 'incident'
What the creatures that were found looked like at the UFO Museum in Roswell, NM