Tuesday, May 1, 2018

It's Time!

I started the month off with an eye appointment that took much longer than I anticipated followed by a dentist appointment in the afternoon. I had planned to eat lunch between appts. But there was no time for that so it was a day of fasting for me. Didn't hurt anything!

Larry had an appointment for his Apple computer and ended up having to leave it for a few days. He used the PC he bought at Christmas so he wasn't totally deprived. I made an appointment with my primary care doctor at the request of the eye doctor just to be sure of an issue and all the tests came back OK. Both doctors wanted to see me again in three months but that isn't happening so I will go back to both in November when we return to Phoenix.

Our granddaughter, Cerét and her baby, Calvin, came for a visit and we had a lovely visit for three hours. He is a real sweety and Cerét is a wonderful caring mother.
Cerét and Calvin

Great-grandma and Calvin

Calvin, Great Aunt Dawn and Great Grandma Ellen

After eight years, Larry finally decided to put the air tabs on the MH. He put them on the trailer when he first bought them in 2009 and since then has procrastinated about putting them on the MH. It will be interesting to see if they make a difference in mileage and if they do, how much did we lose by not having them installed?
Larry measuring for the air tabs

Putting the air tabs on the back of the MH

Finished on the passenger side
While putting items away in the shed, getting ready to leave, Larry discovered our big oscillating fan and brought it inside to blow the cold air into the bathroom where the temperature probe is located since the living room was a 'cool' 73º when the thermostat was set at 83º. Only he didn't think about how it would blow and it blew all the toilet paper off the roll all around the bathroom! He wouldn't let me take a picture of it in the bathroom but I did manage to get one when he was trying to roll it back up.
Rolling the TP back on the roll

The culprit

We left early by one day and stopped in Avondale for the night to miss the Phoenix morning traffic. We did that last year and it worked well so did it again this year.

We arrived in Palm Springs at 12 :45 PM today (May 1) and can report the air tabs work!  It was quite windy with a head wind and they helped keep the MH on the road and there was less motion when trucks passed.  Time will tell if they help with the mileage.