Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Rainy Days

Most of the month has been spent with Larry working on the HydroLift for the back of the MH. The first time he put it on he found it was not solid enough for his liking so took it off and redid the welding. He had to buy another welding helmet because his old one was not working properly and his eyes are too important to damage. He put the pump to work the Lift in a box on the outside and had to have someone else weld it as he does not do aluminum welding. We were hoping to give it a trial run to the Good Sam Super Show at Phoenix International Raceway in Avondale Feb 23-26 but it did not get finished in time with all the set-backs he experienced.
Larry working on the pump box

The box is done and now Larry has to weld more braces to it.

February 10 we went to Deer Valley airport to tour a B17 and it was really interesting. It was loaded with (fake) bombs and ammo so we could see how it looked during the war. We also walked thru it, very narrow passageways.
Us under the B 17 bomber at Deer Valley Airport

B 17 bomber at Deer Valley Airport

Dawn and Vince are having a fence put around the backyard and it was started Feb. 16. We had several rain storms so finishing it was delayed until Feb 27 when we had more rain. The gate man came out yesterday to give a quote on gates and the half fence so I can see out.
The fence beside our MH also showing the rain left on our pad
On Friday nights we have been playing Mexican Train with Dawn and Vince and sometimes Bethany too. Both Dawn and Vince seem to be the 'big' winners. It is a fun time for all of us.

We met our friends, Art and Sherry, who we met in July at Seaside, OR at the Good Sam Super Show and enjoyed seeing them again. While at the show we purchased a new TV antenna and attended a seminar about lithium batteries for RV's. We also enjoyed a BarBQ cook-off at the show and had our picture taken with Pres. Trump. The show ended with some nice 50's and 60's entertainment and a really nice fireworks display.
With our friends Art and Sherry and Pres Trump at the Bar B Q
Our new TV antenna, not as good looking as the old one but it works!

Now we need to concentrate on getting everything ready for our May departure. We have our reservations until June 8 already confirmed.