Friday, March 3, 2023


Ever since I started this blog in June 2007, I've posted on the 1st of the month but not this month!  I totally forgot as when I got up March 1 I found our freezer at 52º and the refrigerator at 62º so everything was thawed and I spent the day trying to get everything fixed!  We are learning what it was like to live in the 1800's!!

 February 4 as I was getting ready for bed, discovered we had no hot water or furnace as they work together.  Thankfully we had already had our hot showers.  We had to wait until Monday to call OR to get brushes for the motor and I did remember that we also have a heat pump that works above 35º so we did have heat, just no hot water.  Larry had to get into the skinny bay next to the Espar to work on it and after the brushes arrived on Wednesday the 8th, we again had hot water.  I'm so thankful Larry is still able to get in and out of that bay!  While he was in there he moved things around so it will be easier in the future to work on it if the need arises.


                           Larry in the bay


                     showing the bay he has to work in

Larry is still working on organizing his Man Cave but doing a nice job.

We have had some product out of my garden.


                      tomatoes protected from the rat
                carrot and green onion

I did manage to bake a lemon cake for Larry, actually three of them as he liked them so well!


                       Lemon glazed cake

Back to our refrigerator problem;  the repair man we contacted doesn't service our area but God is good all the time and he is also an RVer so knows the problems we are facing.  We basically are not able to replace the refrigerator and he advised us not to saying they are not made for RV's and the newer ones do not last very long in them so he is going to service us after all.  PTL!  (our refrigerator is 20 years old)  However, the part (compressor) will not be in until Monday or Tuesday so we have to wait until then.  Our challenge now is getting dry ice to keep things cold until then.  Dawn has a small refrigerator that we have some things in so now we have to go outside to get anything but that is a small inconvenience.

It seems it is always something but God is good in all circumstances and we just keeping looking up.