Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December Already?


The 'cages' for the post holes were delivered the first week of Nov. and then on the 10th it was decided the holes could not be dug with a Bobcat since they hit caliche around 4 ½ ft down which is what Larry had told them back in April when they came out to draw up the plans. When the 'big rig' came out the operator said he could not dig because the holes would be too close to the house and any hard rocks and such could jolt the digger up to three feet and that would hit the house, not a good scenario! After three weeks of trying to figure out what to do next, on the 30th they brought out two Bobcats and taking it easy, have made some headway without having to go back to the drawing board. At the rate we are going, I'm just hoping it will be finish by next April!

                                                         The cages that go in the post holes
                                                       One post hole finally done at 6 ft deep
                                                          Both Bobcats going full steam
                                                                          Larry helping

Our granddaughter, Bethany has moved to Colorado Springs, CO and we had a going away party for her on Nov 13.

                                                               Loading Bethany's car
                                                    Bethany saying goodby to her niece

We had a quiet Thanksgiving with just the four of us basically eating and snacking most of the day and we ended up by playing Mexican Train.

Larry has been to the VA several times this month and seems to be getting his health in order. His new dentures are working good and he definitely is enjoying eating again! I had another dermatology appt. and this time no cutting which is a good thing. I did have several spots frozen on my arms.

                                                           One of Larry's latest projects

Since the weather has finally cooled down to decent temperatures. I'm backing to walking again regularly and enjoy getting out. We are making the best of the present situation and feel blessed.

One of our neighbors shared a picture of a hawk that likes to sit in their backyard. Such an awesome picture of wildlife in the desert!

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