Friday, July 1, 2022

Making some progress

Larry went to our neighbor Don who makes Tank Tech RX for RV tanks and he gave Larry some good advice as well as a new proto type of cleaner that we have been using all this month with good results.

It seems so much hotter this year than last so Larry decided we needed to put up a shade on the west side of the RV cover to help keep the sun off the MH in the afternoon. He came up with an idea so we ordered 90% sun shade like the garden is covered with. He had to put up brackets and lumber to screw the sun shade to and that proved to be quite a feat especially since he doesn’t

like heights! 

   On the board Todd helped put up
   Up on the scaffolding
      Larry welding the brackets

Todd came to see us on Father’s Day and he was just what Larry needed to help him get a 12’ by 6’ board on top of the MH across to the top of the house as I was unable to lift my end of the board. Once that was done we had a wonderful five hour visit even playing Farkle with Dawn and Vince. Todd won one of two games we played. 

         Ellen, Larry. Dawn and Todd
     Larry opening his Father's Day card
               Dawn and Todd on Father's Day

We have enjoyed beets, carrots, lettuce, green onions, okra and squash out of the garden. A rat enjoyed all but one of my tomatoes and the last one is just turning red so hopefully WE can enjoy it soon instead of the rat. I’ve covered it with a net to hopefully keep the rat away. He is smart and keeps

getting the food but not get trapped. The last two days he has been ‘protecting’ his home with some kind of poop and several cactus spikes!

We’ve had five nights of monsoon winds but no rain for us (many places around us did get some rain but all we got was dust, lots of wind and just

enough sprinkles to make a royal mess of things). We’ve only been able to get two of five sections of shade up and then discovered we have to do things differently as the winds pick it up way too high!

     Rainbow after the storm we didn't get
         Storm the neighbors got
  What the car looked like under the RV after the non storm

                       Another beautiful AZ sunset

My eye is doing better as I again went to the Retinal Surgeon and he was pleased with my progress. I go back in six weeks. Larry had several VA visits and learned they can do the freezing of the spot on his kidney but he needs another CT scan first as it has been six months since it was first found.

We have been playing Farkle with Dawn and Vince on Friday afternoons and have enough time to get 4-5 games in which allows all of us to win which is


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