Saturday, October 1, 2022

Starting the best part of living in AZ

 Sept wasn't as bad as usual.  Actually we had some pretty nice weather.  It rained several days in a row and the night time temps were in the 70's.

Larry finished the solar panel project and since he had three surgeries scheduled for the month, he slowed way down.  He did move the solar lights and replaced the batteries so they are working much better now. 

Moving the solar lights with a really neat cloud in the background
 Finishing up hooking the solar panels to the MH

All three surgeries went well and we both are glad they are behind us.  It was really hard because we had to get up early for the surgeries and we are usually late sleepers.

I think the 100º days are behind us now and the weather will just keep getting better.  On to the great AZ fall and winter months!

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